Armenian Apostolic Church

Sunday School – Կիրակնօրեայ դպրոց

Mr. Gregory Burns, Superintendent,  (224) 221-6301

Welcome to our parish and to the St. James Sunday School! The St. James church community is active and vibrant. Parents and grandparents encourage their children to attend church school in order to learn about the faith of the church and about their Armenian culture. We have a wonderful Sunday School program for children beginning at age 3 through 8th grade. We hope that our students graduate with a greater understanding of their faith in the Armenian Church and the heritage they represent.

In accordance with the Department of Religious Education of the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), classes are held each Sunday morning in the classrooms available on the lower level of St. James Armenian Church. Sessions begin at 10:30 a.m. Once a month students participate in family worship. On these Sundays students serve the parish by giving the Kiss of Peace, passing the offering plates, singing in the choir, passing out weekly Bulletins, serving on the altar, etc. Participating in the Divine Liturgy (Badarak) encourages students to learn about the sounds, sights and smells of the weekly celebration of Christ’s sacrifice for mankind. We hope that worshiping as a family will create a strong bond between parents and their children.

We currently have approximately 20 students enrolled in the St. James Sunday School and would love the addition of a few more! If your children are of school age, please contact Mr. Gregory Burns, Sunday School Superintendent, at ( or Fr. Hovhan Khoja-Eynatyan at regarding enrollment.

Pastor letter to Sunday School Families.

Registration form.