Armenian Apostolic Church

St. James ACYOA – Երիտասարդաց Միութիւն

The Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA) states that its mission is to create among young adults a greater sense of spiritual culture and tradition, and to instill within its members a true spirit of civic mindedness.

acyoa_logoWe have small chapters for ACYOA Srs and Jrs, but we are active and ever-expanding with a deep sense of commitment to our church, our community at large, and each other. Common activities include fellowship gatherings (sports and bowling), outreach and service (blood drives, soup kitchen, etc). We give back to our church by participating at functions such as our Annual Festival- Taste of Armenia, serving as readers of Holy Scriptures during worship services, and serving on the altar as well as the choir. We are also fortunate to travel to national events such as ACYOA’s General Assembly, Leadership Conference, and Sport Weekends.

Ultimately, our chapter is bound together by sense of love for our Armenian Christian heritage and a genuine enjoyment of each other’s company. You must join to understand the richness and warmth of our chapter. We would love to have you!

St. James ACYOA Juniors Board members are:

Chairperson: Sub-Dn. Alexander Khoja-Eynatyan
Vice-Chairperson: Arpi Kirakosyan
Secretary: Sofia Pashyan
Treasurer: Eduad Danilyan
Adviser: David Kim

Please contact the current ACYOA Jr. Chapter chair Alexander Khoja-Eynatyan (akhojaeynatyan at, our Youth Director Subdeacon Alex Dayenian (jdayenian at or our Pastor Der Hovhan at (derhovhan at for more details.

Paree Yegar!