ACT NOW: The Eastern Diocese’s Primate Bishop Daniel Findikyan appeals to all our people to act for the defense and preservation of Artsakh and Armenia. Here’s how:
(1) ADVOCATE: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee are urging Congress and the Administration to condemn the Azeri aggression and demand its immediate cessation; to end U.S. financial aid to Azerbaijan; and to rein in Turkey from its military support of Azerbaijan.
Both ANCA and the Assembly have made it easy for you to make your voice heard in support of these goals. Click these links to access their websites: https://anca.org and https://armenian-assembly.org
(2) DONATE: Armenia’s government is looking to the diaspora for financial as well as moral support. Contributions can be directed to the Armenia Fund, on its new and secure website: https://www.armeniafund.org
You may also contribute by phone at (800) 888-8897.
The Eastern Diocese will direct its fundraising efforts to Armenia Fund, with all American-Armenian organizations united in this approach. All funds collected will support civilian humanitarian aid.
(3) MEDICAL SUPPLIES: Those in a position to donate such medical supplies should contact Armenia Fund at (818) 243-6222, to find out how to be of help.
Click here to read Bishop Daniel’s message.