Armenian Apostolic Church

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BUSINESS SPONSORS Donnellan Family Funeral Services Larry Farsakian, D.D.S. Hagopian and Boghosian Dentistry Kerkonian Dajani LLC Lakeside Auto Rebuilders Oscar Isberian Rugs Siunik Armenian Grill Vision Home Health Care PARISHIONER SPONSORS (as of August 24) Anonymous Sona Adichian Dr. Alla Aruchev Victor Aslanian Ayda Bayindarian Philip and Jill Calian Richard Read more →


Saints Epiphanius (Bishop) of Cyprus, Babylas the Patriarch, and his three disciples Saints Constantine the Emperor and his mother Helen Saints Theodotus of Galatia, and Thalelaeus the physician, and the Seven Virgins who were martyred at Ancyra  

Sign up for Worship Services

Dear Parishioners in addition to Holy Badarak on Sundays now you can sing up and attend various worship services offered during the week at St. James Armenian Church. Please choose below the service you would like to attend and sign up. We are looking forward to worship with you in Read more →

United in Defense of Artsakh

ACT NOW: The Eastern Diocese’s Primate Bishop Daniel Findikyan appeals to all our people to act for the defense and preservation of Artsakh and Armenia. Here’s how: (1) ADVOCATE: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee are urging Congress and the Administration to condemn the Azeri aggression Read more →

United in Defense of Artsakh

ACT NOW: The Eastern Diocese’s Primate Bishop Daniel Findikyan appeals to all our people to act for the defense and preservation of Artsakh and Armenia. Here’s how: (1) ADVOCATE: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee are urging Congress and the Administration to condemn the Azeri aggression Read more →

Thank you VAF 2020 supporters

Hagopian & Boghosian Dentistry BUSINESS SPONSORS Donnellan Family Funeral Services Kerkonian/Dajani LLC Individual and Family Supporters (as of September 10, 2020) Garrick Abezetian Armen and Eva Tokat Dr. Edward & Anna Sarkisian Arlette Tahan Anna Zakarian Philip and Jill Calian Vahan Janjigian Dr. Sam Mikaelian Baghdassar Kouyoumdjian Sara Cooper Arie Read more →

Virtual Armenian Festival 2020

Taste of Armenia 2020 Celebrating the Spirit of St. James Armenian Church!


Dear St. James Parishioners, On July 5 our church entered Phase Two of the restoration of church services and sacramental functions. Phase Two allows for Holy Badarak in the Church Sanctuary with a limited number of participants, as permitted by local regulations.  For now, we will allow a maximum of fifteen people to attend Badarak on Sundays.  This is in addition to Read more →

Schedule of New Year and Nativity Services at St. James

New Year and The Nativity and Baptism of Jesus Christ will be observed at St. James Armenian Church. A special liturgical schedule will be in effect for these services; please make a note of the times. On January 1st The Morning Service and The Prayer for the Catholicos of All Armenians will Read more →

Relic of St. James of Nisibis to visit St James Armenian Church-Evanston Saturday, December 14, 2013

Read the press release. Under The Auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian Primate of The Diocese of The Armenian Church of America (Eastern) St. James Armenian Church (Evanston, Il) invites You to celebrate The Feast of St. James of Nisibis and The Name Day of our Church Saturday, December Read more →